
Manual pitch estimation of a speech signal

I am new to speech processing. So please forgive for my ignorance. I was given a short speech signal (10 sec) and was asked to manually annotate pitch using MATLAB or Wavesufer software. Now how to find pitch of a speech signal?. Is there any theoretical resource to help the problem? I tried to plot pitch-contour of the signal using Wavesurfer.Is it right?

Edit 1:My work is applying various pitch detection algorithms for our data and compare their accuracies. So manually annotated pitch acts as the reference.

UPDATE 1: I obtained the GCIs (Glottal Closure Instants) by differentiating EGG (dEGG) signal and the peaks in dEGG are GCIs. Time interval between two successive GCIs is the pitch period (s). The inverse of pitch period is pitch (hz).

UPDATE 2 : SIGMA is a famous algorithm for automatic GCI detection.

Thanks everyone.


  • Usually ground truth is obtained on the signal accompanied with EGG recording. EGG is an acronym for Electrogastrogram, it's a special device which records true pitch.

    Since I doubt you have access to such device, I recommend you to use existing database for pitch extraction evaluation carefully prepared for that task. You can download it here. This data was collected in University of Edinburgh by Paul Bagshaw

    I suggest you to read his thesis as well.

    If you want to compare with the state of the art algorithm for pitch extraction check Also note that "true" pitch might not be the best feature for subsequent algorithms. Sometime you might extract pitch with mistakes but get better accuracy for example for speech recognition. Check for more information this publication.