I am using calabash-android to test my app.
I created my own step:
Then /^There should be (\d+) customers$/ do |nr_of_customers|
after that, I create another step, which needs to call the above existing step, I know I can use macro, so I tried this:
Given /^I hosted (\d+) customers$/ do |nr_of_customers|
#How to pass the nr_of_customers to the macro???
macro 'There should be nr_of_customers'
But, how can I pass the parameter nr_of_customers
to the macro which calls the other step function?
Don't call steps from within steps, you'll end up with a mess of spaghetti code if you do. Instead extract helper methods from your step definitions and call these instead.
Then /^There should be (\d+) customers$/ do |nr_of_customers|
expect(customer_count).to be nr_of_customers
Given /^I hosted (\d+) customers$/ do |nr_of_customers|
# do some stuff to set up the customers
expect(customer_count).to be nr_of_customers
module StepHelpers
def customer_count
In addition its bad practice to embed then statements in Givens. Givens are about setting up state not testing consequences so really your given should be something like
Given /^I hosted (\d+) customers$/ do |nr_of_customers|
nr_of_customers.times do
And host_customer
should be helper you created when you wrote the scenarios that showed you could host customers.