Hi I want to import a 3rd party library to GO playground, I saw an answer for this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27813778/6638204 but it said that this can not be done, but the xiam/go-playground library on github states that it can do this. I tried using it but I did not understand what should I exactly do. I successfully installed the library and used it to run programs that do not need third party libraries. but I did not get how can I import a third party library. ps: I have docker installed in my machine
The answer is still the same: you can't do that on the "official" Go Playground (at https://play.golang.org/).
If you or someone else runs a custom, modified version of the Go Playground: then the answer is you can do there whatever is allowed, which may include the usage of external libraries which the custom engine may go get
prior to compilation and execution.
Also see related question: Which packages may be imported in the go playground?