I am wondering if some of you are aware of the architectural approaches taken by the Wave team to build its GWT web client? Since i am trying to optimize performance of one GWT app designed for mobiles, it is hard not to admire its speedy credentials :)
Is Wave not using GWT-RPC to get regular updates from server? Firefox tracks some JSON communication going over the wire but nothing like RPC stuff.
How do they proceed when, for instance a new wavelet is sent. Is there a view object for every wave DTO, or they use some other pattern?
How is GUI updated after a response with, say, a new Wave arrives. Would the whole area with wavelets being rerendered or the use some smart techniques to ensure that only particular element is touched?
This is probably information overload, but since Google Wave is open source you can actually look at how they set things up here.
If you look at WaveView.java, for example, you can see that they are using a client-side event bus like Ray Ryan mentioned in this talk at Google IO 2009. I seem to remember seeing another video where they talked about these aspects of Google Wave:
Additionally, I'm pretty sure they use something like Comet with JSONP to maintain continuous communication with the server, so they're not polling the server constantly for new updates, but rather there's a dynamically-generated javascript file that's being loaded in incrementally from the server, which contains instructions to fire whatever events the server has decided need to be fired.