I have my GParsPool.withPool implemented in 'PreVerifymanager.groovy' as below.
import groovyx.gpars.GParsPool
public class PreVerifyManager {
static final THREADS = 3;
public void callMe() {
PreVerifyManager pf = new PreVerifyManager()
def apps = ["App1","App2","App3"]
GParsPool.withPool(PreVerifyManager.THREADS) {
apps.eachParallel {
public void CreateFile(String path){
path = "D:\\"+path+".txt";
File file = new File(path)
file.write("Some text")
This works fine in my IDE with main method of PreVerifyManager. But when I remove the main method and call the method callMe on the object of PreVerifyManager created in Pipeline script, its not working.
Pipeline script as below:
node {
def PreVerifyManagerObj
stage 'TibcoConfig'
echo 'Reading Tibco configuration!'
println "****************INSIDE PIPELINE****************"
def parent = getClass().getClassLoader()
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent)
PreVerifyManagerObj = loader.parseClass(new File("D://Tibco_Automation//src//com//meet//PreVerifyManager.groovy")).newInstance()
Its basically, I'm integrating the GParsPool.withPool implementation with Pipeline scripting. Any input is appreciated.
The issue got resolved. You have to load all objects referred in your class into Pipeline script box, before you call your actual method.