am using Pentaho community edition 5.4.0 ,I explain My requirement very Simply,
1) I have my jobs and transformation in my local windows machine and i like to execute those in my client machine ,So that i installed same Pentaho community version 5.4.0 on his machine. For Remote Execution i heard about Carte.bat service,I searched the installation procedure and configuration settings for remote execution,but i didn't get a clear idea about that,Please help me a clear step by step procedure for how to run remotely in my client machine .
2) Is there possible for Schedule those jobs and transformation in Pentaho Community edition 5..4.0 ? Is it possible please explain the same.
Thanks and Regards Dhamodharan.
Install jenkins At least read what variables are available in Jenkins. It is pretty handy to know them.
Download PDI KETTLE from unzip in any suitable directory. Configure executables and PDI variables as in here
Start jenkins and login into admin panel. Create an new job, in paragraph Build add Execute shell inside input text area add lines:
cd $WORKSPACE -file=main.kjb
There are a lot of jenkins plugins.
You can add post-build actions:
Worth to use Jenkins if it is used for some other functionalities, means it is already exists in infrastructure, otherwise carte will be enought.
Variable configured in .bashrc and .bash_profile (User should be same as used for Jenkins)
export KETTLE_HOME=/opt/R1/data-integration
export KETTLE_JNDI_ROOT=$KETTLE_HOME/simple-jndi
To force evaluate .bashrc on ssh login add to .bash_profile
if [ -f .bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
source .bashrc
After restart Jenkins (not from admin panel)