
Extract file using SevenZip

I'm trying to add a file unzipper to my application, so I googled a little and stumbled on the sevenzipsharp library that is able to extract the most common archive formats.

So I for testing I created a simple application with a windows form.

Form screenshot

So the entered data is the file location C:\Users\jeee\Desktop\CriticalSubPrintout.rar and the extract location C:\Users\jeee\Desktop\Test Extract

I added some code, without any documentation.. not my strong side apparently..

Imports SevenZip

Public Class Archiver

    Private Sub btnExtractArchive_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExtractArchive.Click

        Dim Extractor As New SevenZipExtractor(tbExtractFile.Text)

    End Sub

End Class

This causes an error when I try and run the code

Error Image

Can anyone provide a sample code, or a link to a good example how-to-use SevenZipSharp? Because I searched and can't find any VB.NET samples.

Or maybe just help me figure out what I need to do.



  • You need to call SevenZipBase.SetLibraryPath with the path to 7z.dll, and make sure that you are using the correct version for your application (32- or 64-bit). e.g.

    Dim Extractor As New SevenZipExtractor(tbExtractFile.Text)