I'm Creating a web site for my girlfriend and I'm using it to get my head around user story writing / scrum and vso. I'm trying to write a user story for the homepage which will be quite simple but graphical. It's my understanding that I should write a user story in the first person and it's a quick description about what that user wants / expects. The acceptance criteria is where the specifics go. With this in mind how would you go about writing a user story for a home page. So far I have the following.
User Story
As the site owner I would like a homepage that shows my completed work in as a set of full size images that change periodically so that the visitor instantly sees what services I offer.
Acceptance Criteria
Can I have have 4 full size background images that change periodically? Can the background images resize depending on which device they are viewed on? Can the background images load in a timely manner?
Would you say that this user story and the acceptance criteria are adequate?
The user story is in the voice of the end user, not the person delivering the service.
So in your case, it might be something like:
As a visitor to the site I would like to instantly see what services are offered so that I can easily select a service
Notice that it doesn't say anything about images. The images and their size are implementation details. The user story is about what they user wants, not how they will get it.
The acceptance criteria look fine. Be carefull of statements like:
Can the background images load in a timely manner?
Generally you would expect an acceptance criteria to define what 'a timely manner' means.
Something like:
Can the background images load in under 3 seconds when running on our production server under normal load.