
How to give non-root user in Docker container access to a volume mounted on the host

I am running my application in a Docker container as a non-root user. I did this since it is one of the best practices. However, while running the container I mount a host volume to it -v /some/folder:/some/folder . I am doing this because my application running inside the docker container needs to write files to the mounted host folder. But since I am running my application as a non-root user, it doesn't have permission to write to that folder


Is it possible to give a nonroot user in a docker container access to the hosted volume?

If not, is my only option to run the process in docker container as root?


  • There's no magic solution here: permissions inside docker are managed the same as permissions without docker. You need to run the appropriate chown and chmod commands to change the permissions of the directory.

    One solution is to have your container run as root and use an ENTRYPOINT script to make the appropriate permission changes, and then your CMD as an unprivileged user. For example, put the following in

    chown -R appuser:appgroup /path/to/volume
    exec runuser -u appuser "$@"

    This assumes you have the runuser command available. You can accomplish pretty much the same thing using sudo instead.

    Use the above script by including an ENTRYPOINT directive in your Dockerfile:

    FROM baseimage
    COPY /
    ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", ""]
    CMD ["/usr/bin/myapp"]

    This will start the container with:

    /bin/sh /usr/bin/myapp

    The entrypoint script will make the required permissions changes, then run /usr/bin/myapp as appuser.