I have an array say A(0 indexed) of size 1.
I want to find minimum in array A between indexes k1 (k1>=0) and A.size()-1(i.e the last element).
Then I would insert the value : (minimum element in given range + some "random" constant) at the end of the array.Then I have another query to find minimum between indexes k2 and A.size()-1. I find that, insert the value : (minimum in the given range + another "random" constant) at the end. I have to do many such queries.
Say, I have N queries. Naive approach would take O(N^2).
Cannot use segment trees as array is not static. But, a clever way to do is make segment tree for size N+1 array; beforehand and fill the unknown values with infinity. This would give me O(Nlog N) complexity.
Is there any other method for NlogN complexity or even N?
There is absolutely no need to use advanced data structures like tree here. Just a simple local variable and list will do it all:
Create an empty list(say minList
Start from the end
index and go till the start
index of the initially given array, put the minimum values (till that index from the end
) at the front of the list(i.e. do push_front
Lets say the provided array is:
70 10 50 40 60 90 20 30
So the resultant minList
will be:
10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30
After doing that, you only need to keep track of the minimum among newly appended elements in the continuously modifying array(say, minElemAppended
Lets say you get k = 5
and randomConstant
= -10, then
minElemAppended = minimum(minList[k-1] + randomConstant, minElemAppended)
By adopting this approach,
to process N
to store the minList