I have the following windows batch code:
for %%i in (iidbms iigcc iigcd dmfacp dmfrcp rmcmd qwerty) do (
tasklist | findstr /i %%i
echo %errorlevel%
if %errorlevel% == 0 (echo %%i ok process found %errorlevel%)
if %errorlevel% == 1 (echo %%i no process found %errorlevel%)
But it doesn't work as I expect.
All the name processes iidbms, iigcc, iigcd, dmfacp, dmfrcp, rmcmd are real, and they are found, instead qwerty is an invented one and should not find it, so should print " no process found 1", but it doesn't, it always prints 0.
But what I have noted is that if I run the tasklist | findstr /i qwerty
from the dos prompt, just after there is that the %errorlevel%
= 1.
What sort of answer could be or better is?
IF ERRORLEVEL returns TRUE if the return code was equal to or higher than the specified errorlevel. In your example, since 0 is lower than 1, the first errorlevel statement will always be true if the actual error code is 0 or above. What you want is to test for errorlevel 1 first.
for %%i in (iidbms iigcc iigcd dmfacp dmfrcp rmcmd qwerty) do (
tasklist | findstr /i %%i
if errorlevel 0 if not errorlevel 1 echo process
if errorlevel 1 if not errorlevel 2 echo process not found
Another issue is if you want to echo the actual errorlevel from within the for loop. Since variables are resolved before the start of the loop, echoing %errorlevel%
will always echo 0. If you want to echo the value at the execution time, you need to modify the snippet like so:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%i in (iidbms iigcc iigcd dmfacp dmfrcp rmcmd qwerty) do (
tasklist | findstr /i %%i
if errorlevel 0 if not errorlevel 1 echo %%i ok process found !errorlevel!
if errorlevel 1 if not errorlevel 2 echo %%i no process found !errorlevel!