
Unable to refresh ListView with SimpleAdapter

I am trying to add a new entry to my listview and refresh it with the old entry still showing in the listview. Previously I was using ArrayAdapter which I was able to refresh after adding a new entry by using


But I am unable to use the code above with SimpleAdapter. Any suggestion? I have tried a couple of solutions but nothing has worked so far.

Below is the code I am using which is not adding an entry:

void beta3 (String X, String Y){
    //listview in the main activity
    ListView POST = (ListView)findViewById(;
    //list = new ArrayList<String>();
    String data = bar.getText().toString();
    String two= data.replace("X", "");
    ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> list = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();

    HashMap<String,String> event = new HashMap<String, String>();
    event.put(Config.TAG_one, X);
    event.put(Config.TAG_two, two);
    event.put(Config.TAG_three, Y);
    ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(this, list, R.layout.list,
            new String[]{Config.TAG_one, Config.TAG_two, Config.TAG_three},
            new int[]{,,});        


  • If your beta3 method really is your function to add a new entry to your ListView: it will set a new adapter with a new list every time you call it. So this will always result in a ListView containing one entry. After exiting the beta3 method the reference to the list is gone.

    You have to reuse the list instance variable. Put ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> list in class/activity scope and initialize it once (e.g. in onCreate()).

    Another problem is that you use a ListAdapter variable as reference to the SimpleAdapter instance. ListAdapter is an interface which doesn't provide a notifyDataSetChanged method. You should use a SimpleAdapter variable instead.

    Here is an example:

    public class MyActivity {
        ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> list;
        SimpleAdapter adapter;
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            ListView POST = (ListView)findViewById(;
            list = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
            adapter = new SimpleAdapter(this, list, R.layout.list,
                new String[]{Config.TAG_one, Config.TAG_two, Config.TAG_three},
                new int[]{,,});        
        void beta3 (String X, String Y){
            String two = ""; // adapt this to your needs
            HashMap<String,String> event = new HashMap<String, String>();
            event.put(Config.TAG_one, X);
            event.put(Config.TAG_two, two);
            event.put(Config.TAG_three, Y);