
write a Java program to show the value of the hundreds place, the tens place, and the ones place for a three-digit number

I am a noob to java and I need advice to fix this code, I need to write a Java program to show the value of the hundreds place, the tens place, and the ones place for a three-digit number. This is what I have so far, any ideas to how to get it to work? I'm not getting any errors, but my number isn't even outputting to the console correctly. Like if I typed in 123 for my 3 digit number everything prints blank. For example:

Enter a 3 digit number: 123 Hundreds place digit: Tens place digit: Ones place digit: Error! Number more then 3 digits. Error! Number less then 3 digits.

It's not detecting my input of '123' for example, or anything else I put.

    import java.util.Scanner;
        public class ValueOfDigits {
            public static void main(String[] args) {

                //Create new scanner
                Scanner input = new Scanner(;

                //Values of each digit
                int hundreds = 0;
                int tens = 0;
                int ones = 0;

                //Prompt user to input 3 digit number           
                System.out.print("Enter a 3 digit number: ");
                int number = input.nextInt();

                //Displays hundreds place digit
                hundreds = number / 100;
                System.out.printf("Hundreds place digit: " , hundreds);

                //Displays tens digit
                tens = (number - hundreds) / 10;
                System.out.printf("\nTens place digit: " , tens);

                //Display ones digit
                ones = (number - tens - hundreds);
                System.out.printf("\nOnes place digit: " , ones);   

                //Error if number is less or more then three digits
                if (number > 999); 
                System.out.println("\nError! Number more then 3 digits.");
                if (number < 100);
                System.out.println("Error! Number less then 3 digits.");



  • Replace System.out.printf("Hundreds place digit: " , hundreds); with System.out.println("Hundreds place digit: " + hundreds); and remove the ; after the if-statments.

    If you want to use printf take a look at this:,%20java.lang.Object...)