I have created a module 'ActiveDirectory.psm1' which contains a class in powershellv5. I am importing that module in another file called 'test.ps1' and then calling a method from the class.
test.ps1 contains the following:
using module '\\ser01\Shared\Scripts\Windows Powershell\modules\ActiveDirectory\ActiveDirectory.psm1'
Set-StrictMode -version Latest;
$AD = [ActiveDirectory]::New('CS');
It all works as expected BUT when I make a change to ActiveDirectory.psm1 & save the changes they aren't reflected immediately. i.e. if ActiveDirectory.psm1 contains:
write-verbose 'do something';
If I change that to
write-verbose 'now the script does something else';
the output remains 'do something'
I'm guessing it has stored the module in memory and doesn't reload it therefore missing the changes I have made. What command do I need to run to load the most recent saved version of the module?
As suggested by wOxxOm, you can try pass the -Force
Import-Module ... -Force
Or if that does not work try to explicitly remove it and then reimport with: