I want to pre-load the value in md-select
I have the following code
<md-select ng-model="country" ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$value.code'}" >
<md-optgroup label="Country">
<md-option ng-value="country" ng-repeat="country in countries">
$scope.country = "usa"; //I will receive only the key from the server side
//in the response object
$scope.countries = [{"code":"usa","name":"United States of America"},
Here I want to load "United States of America" initially.
This is currently not working.
Assume your service returns the key "usa"
, it checks for the existence of key in the drop down array and assign the object to the $scope.country
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.service = "usa";
$scope.countries = [{"code":"usa","name":"United States of America"},
angular.forEach($scope.countries, function(value) {
if (value.code === $scope.service ) {
$scope.country ={code: $scope.service , name: value.name};