I am trying to make an architecture for a MMO game and I can't figure out how I can store as many variables as I need in GameObjects without having a lot of calls to send them on a wire at the same time I update them.
What I have now is:
Game::ChangePosition(Vector3 newPos) {
SendOnWireNEWPOSITION(gameobject.id, newPos);
It makes the code rubbish, hard to maintain, understand, extend. So think of a Champion example:
I would have to make a lot of functions for each variable. And this is just the generalisation for this Champion, I might have have 1-2 other member variable for each Champion type/"class".
It would be perfect if I would be able to have OnPropertyChange from .NET or something similar. The architecture I am trying to guess would work nicely is if I had something similar to:
For HP: when I update it, automatically call SendFloatOnWire("HP", hp);
For Position: when I update it, automatically call SendVector3OnWire("Position", Position)
For Name: when I update it, automatically call SendSOnWire("Name", Name);
What are exactly SendFloatOnWire
, SendVector3OnWire
, SendSOnWire
? Functions that serialize those types in a char buffer.
OR METHOD 2 (Preffered), but might be expensive
Update Hp, Position normally and then every Network Thread tick scan all GameObject instances on the server for the changed variables and send those.
How would that be implemented on a high scale game server and what are my options? Any useful book for such cases?
Would macros turn out to be useful? I think I was explosed to some source code of something similar and I think it used macros.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I think I've found a solution, but I don't know how robust it actually is. I am going to have a go at it and see where I stand afterwards. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Networking_Entities
Overall conclusion I arrived at: Having another call after I update the position, is not that bad. It is a line of code longer, but it is better for different motives:
Methods I've tried:
After all, I went with using a mix of 4, and 5. And now I am implementing it in my game. One huge advantage of protobuf is the capability of generating structs from a .proto file, while also offering serialisation for the struct for you. It is blazingly fast.
For those special named variables that appear in subclasses, I have another struct made. Alternatively, with help from protobuf I could have an array of properties that are as simple as: ENUM_KEY_BYTE VALUE
is just a byte that references a enum
to properties such as IS_FLYING
, and VALUE
is a string
The most important thing I've learned from this is to have as much serialization as possible. It is better to use more CPU on both ends than to have more Input&Output.
If anyone has any questions, comment and I will do my best helping you out.