I have put up a simple bash script that generates 4 words random passphrases from a list of thousands of words. Now I am not sure if it is really secure or efficient being for my personal use, you guys let me know if you think about any improvements. But that is not the main point. Check it out ->
So When I run it in my laptop, the input and output looks like this:
time sh genpass
astrology cringe tingling massager
real 0m0.319s
user 0m0.267s
sys 0m0.077s
A second time:
$ time sh genpass
prankish askew siren fritter
real 0m0.318s
user 0m0.266s
sys 0m0.077s
Can be quite funny sometimes.
Anyway, this is the script:
# EDITABLES ###########################################
# END EDITABLES #######################################
getWordList() {
case $1 in
"verb") mawk '/ing$|ed$|en$/ {print $2}' $target ;;
"adjective") mawk '/y$|ish$/ {print $2}' $target ;;
"noun") mawk '!/ing$|ed$|en$|y$|ish$/ {print $2}' $target ;;
*) printf "%s" "'${1}' is an invalid argument." && echo && exit 1
pickRandomLineNumber() {
# Get the list in an array
declare -a list_a=("${!1}")
# How many items in the list
local length="${#list_a[@]}"
# Generate a random number between 1 and the number of items in the list
local number=$RANDOM
let "number %= $length"
# Print the word at random line
printf "%s\n" ${list_a[@]} | mawk -v line=$number 'NR==line {print}'
read -ra verbList <<< $( getWordList verb )
verb=$(pickRandomLineNumber verbList[@])
read -ra adjectiveList <<< $( getWordList adjective )
adjective=$(pickRandomLineNumber adjectiveList[@])
read -ra nounList <<< $( getWordList noun )
noun1=$(pickRandomLineNumber nounList[@])
noun2=$(pickRandomLineNumber nounList[@])
printf "%s %s %s %s\n" "${adjective}" "${noun1}" "${verb}" "${noun2}"
See where I have to create an array for each type of word? 3 types, 3 arrays. Well I thought about getting that code in a function so I'd just have to call that function 4 times, one for each of my 4 words, with a different argument. I really thought it would be faster.
Here is the code change:
# EDITABLES ###########################################
# END EDITABLES #######################################
getWordList() {
case $1 in
"verb") mawk '/ing$|ed$|en$/ {print $2}' $target ;;
"adjective") mawk '/y$|ish$/ {print $2}' $target ;;
"noun") mawk '!/ing$|ed$|en$|y$|ish$/ {print $2}' $target ;;
*) printf "%s" "'${1}' is an invalid argument." && echo && exit 1
pickRandomLineNumber() {
# Get the list in an array
declare -a list_a=("${!1}")
# How many items in the list
local length="${#list_a[@]}"
# Generate a random number between 1 and the number of items in the list
local number=$RANDOM
let "number %= $length"
# Print the word at random line
printf "%s\n" ${list_a[@]} | mawk -v line=$number 'NR==line {print}'
#### CHANGE ####
getWord() {
read -ra list <<< $( getWordList $1)
local word=$(pickRandomLineNumber list[@])
printf "%s" "${word}"
printf "%s %s %s %s\n" $(getWord adjective) $(getWord noun) $(getWord verb) $(getWord noun)
Now here is the input/output:
$ time sh genpass
overstay clench napping palace
real 0m0.403s
user 0m0.304s
sys 0m0.090s
And again:
$ time sh genpass
gainfully cameo extended nutshell
real 0m0.369s
user 0m0.304s
sys 0m0.090s
The differences in timing are not that big of a deal, even though overall, I thought it could definitely be faster.
So do you have any idea why the second script is slower than the first?
You have more code doing more stuff, all of it unnecessary. Here's how to do what you are trying to do:
$ cat tst.awk
function grw(arr) { # Get Random Word
return arr[int(rand() * length(arr)) + 1]
if ( /(ing|ed|en)$/ ) verbs[++numVerbs] = $0
else if ( /(y|ish)$/ ) adjectives[++numAdjectives] = $0
else nouns[++numNouns] = $0
printf "%s %s %s %s\n", grw(adjectives), grw(nouns), grw(verbs), grw(nouns)
$ awk -f tst.awk words
overstay clench siren clench
$ awk -f tst.awk words
prankish nutshell tingling cameo
$ awk -f tst.awk words
astrology clench tingling palace
The above was run against this "words" file created from the sample output you provided in your question:
$ cat words