I'm hoping a tcl/tk expert can help answer this super-niche question regarding a Tix CheckList Hlist Header. All I want to do is change the background color from an ugly gray to white.
I find it very difficult to even know what options (cnf={}
or **kw
) I can use for ANYTHING in tix. I have discovered that I can do self.checklist.hlist.config().keys()
which returns:
['background', 'bd', 'bg', 'borderwidth', 'browsecmd', 'columns', 'command',
'cursor', 'dragcmd', 'drawbranch', 'dropcmd', 'fg', 'font', 'foreground',
'gap', 'header', 'height', 'highlightbackground', 'highlightcolor',
'highlightthickness', 'indent', 'indicator', 'indicatorcmd', 'itemtype',
'padx', 'pady', 'relief', 'selectbackground', 'selectborderwidth',
'selectforeground', 'selectmode', 'separator', 'sizecmd', 'takefocus',
'wideselection', 'width', 'xscrollcommand', 'yscrollcommand']
I don't know how to do this for the actual header object to see what options are available.
This is what it looks like:
Here's the code that creates it:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import tix
class whatever(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
super(whatever, self).__init__(parent)
self.parent = parent
self.checklist = tix.CheckList(self.parent, browsecmd=self.selectItem,
options='hlist.columns 1', highlightthickness=1,
self.checklist.grid(sticky='ew', padx=20)
self.checklist.hlist.config(bg='white', bd=0, selectmode='none', selectbackground='white',
selectforeground='black', drawbranch=True, pady=5, header=True)
self.checklist.hlist.header_create(0, itemtype=tix.TEXT, text='My Heading Text',
self.checklist.hlist.add("CL1", text="checklist1")
self.checklist.hlist.add("CL1.Item1", text="subitem1")
self.checklist.setstatus("CL1", "on")
self.checklist.setstatus("CL1.Item1", "off")
def selectItem(self, item):
root = tix.Tk()
Additional info:
By the way, I'm mainly using this site to figure out what methods are available for hlist
- http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/stdlib/Tix.HList-class.html
This example was helpful too: https://svn.python.org/projects/stackless/trunk/Demo/tix/samples/SHList2.py
What Have I Tried...
Lots of things for hours on-end. I think this should be in:
self.checklist.hlist.header_configure(0, background='white')
but I've tried: background
, selectbackground
, bg
, color
... and more. They all end with the same _tkinter.TclError: unknown option "-NAMEHERE"
Simply, add headerbackground
parameter to header_create()
self.checklist.hlist.header_create(0, itemtype=tix.TEXT, text='My Heading Text',
headerbackground="red", relief='flat')