I've created private repo on bitbucket and added public key from PuTTY Key Generator
Using TortoiseGIT I've managed to push my project from PC and then I wanted to pull it from AIDE. So I've created .ssh folder on /sdcard and made sure that this location is in Git Source Control -> .ssh directory
settings and I copied there files exported from PuTTY Key Generator
(private and public, just to be sure)
Then I've choosen Clone Git repository
, provided URL and tried to clone. There was an error: Git clone failed: session is down
So I've figured it out. In case someone gets the same problem here's the solution
After generating a key in PuTTY Key Generator
save files in the following way:
Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file
tab -> Export OpenSSH key
and it should workHere's an image of private key export in case someone is confused.