
What version of Dokka goes with what version of Kotlin?

Whenever the Kotlin and Dokka versions are not compatible, things might break oddly in Gradle and Maven builds. I cannot find anywhere a list of the compatible versions between the two. What is the version compatibility?

Note: this question is intentionally written and answered by the author (Self-Answered Questions), so that the idiomatic answers to commonly asked Kotlin topics are present in SO.


  • Here are the matching compatible versions:

    Kotlin Version    Dokka Version
    1.0.0             0.9.7
    1.0.1             0.9.7
    all               0.9.8 or later 

    Since 0.9.8 Dokka no longer can conflict with the compiler classes since it embeds a shaded version of the compiler.

    See current versions on maven repository