
"FailedParse: [...] Expecting end of text" when trying to parse parenthesized expressions in grako

In search_query.ebnf, I have the following grammar definition for grako 3.14.0:

@@grammar :: SearchQuery

start = search_query $;

search_query = parenthesized_query | combined_query | search_term;
parenthesized_query = '(' search_query ')';
combined_query = search_query binary_operator search_query;
binary_operator = '&' | '|';
search_term = /\w+/;

I generate the parser with

grako search_query.ebnf --outfile

The result works as I expected for these inputs:

import search_query_parser

parser = search_query_parser.SearchQueryParser()
parser.parse('a')  # -> 'a'
parser.parse('(a)')  # -> ['(', 'a', ')']
parser.parse('a & b')  # -> ['a', '&', 'b']
parser.parse('a | b')  # -> ['a', '|', 'b']
parser.parse('(a|b)&c')  # -> ['(', ['a', '|', 'b'], ')', '&', 'c']

but if I have a parenthesized expression at the right hand side of an operator, the parser gives me an error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/das-g/.virtualenvs/tmp-d0fd5a9428f7612a/", line 82, in parse
    return super(SearchQueryParser, self).parse(text, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/das-g/.virtualenvs/tmp-d0fd5a9428f7612a/lib/python3.5/site-packages/grako/", line 227, in parse
    result = rule()
  File "/home/das-g/.virtualenvs/tmp-d0fd5a9428f7612a/lib/python3.5/site-packages/grako/", line 86, in wrapper
    return self._call(rule, name, params, kwparams)
  File "/home/das-g/.virtualenvs/tmp-d0fd5a9428f7612a/lib/python3.5/site-packages/grako/", line 475, in _call
    node, newpos, newstate = self._invoke_rule(rule, name, params, kwparams)
  File "/home/das-g/.virtualenvs/tmp-d0fd5a9428f7612a/lib/python3.5/site-packages/grako/", line 511, in _invoke_rule
  File "/home/das-g/.virtualenvs/tmp-d0fd5a9428f7612a/", line 87, in _start_
  File "/home/das-g/.virtualenvs/tmp-d0fd5a9428f7612a/lib/python3.5/site-packages/grako/", line 650, in _check_eof
    self._error('Expecting end of text.')
  File "/home/das-g/.virtualenvs/tmp-d0fd5a9428f7612a/lib/python3.5/site-packages/grako/", line 450, in _error
grako.exceptions.FailedParse: (1:2) Expecting end of text. :

Am I doing something wrong?


  • Am I doing something wrong?

    I don't think so.

    This looks like a known bug in grako concerning "left recursion".

    The workaround mentioned in the bug seems to work for your case, too:

    @@grammar :: SearchQuery
    start = search_query $;
    search_query = parenthesized_query | combined_query | search_term;
    parenthesized_query = '(' search_query | search_term ')';  ## Workaround
    combined_query = search_query binary_operator search_query;
    binary_operator = '&' | '|';
    search_term = /\w+/;

    i.e. mention search_term explicitly inside the parentheses, even though the search_query rule should be able to produce it, too.