
JDom How to comment an existing line

I am currently struggling to comment an existing line with JDom, best I would like to comment an entire node.

    SAXBuilder jdomBuild = new SAXBuilder();
    jdomDoc =;
    Element root = jdomDoc.getRootElement();
    Element header = root.getChild("header_info")
    // how can I comment the lines now?

And the document :





I would like to comment the whole header but I can't find the solution anywhere...

Could I have some advice and explainations please?


  • Replace the header element with a Comment containing the content of the element. Example:

    XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
    SAXBuilder jdomBuild = new SAXBuilder();
    Document jdomDoc = ByteArrayInputStream(("<xml_report>\n"
            + "\n"
            + "    <header_info>\n"
            + "        <bla1></bla1>\n"
            + "        <bla2></bla2>\n"
            + "        <bla3></bla3>\n"
            + "        <bla4></bla4>\n"
            + "        <bla5></bla5>\n"
            + "        <bla6></bla6>\n"
            + "    </header_info>\n"
            + "\n"
            + "    <random_things>\n"
            + "        <random/>\n"
            + "    </random_things>\n"
            + "\n"
            + "</xml_report>").getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
    Element root = jdomDoc.getRootElement();
    Element header = root.getChild("header_info");
    Comment comment = new Comment(outputter.outputString(header));
    root.setContent(root.indexOf(header), comment);
    outputter.output(jdomDoc, System.out);


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Note that you cannot preserve the fromatting with JDOM for every possible input, since the formatting information is removed during the parsing.

    Also note that you cannot put a comment around a block containing a comment, since this would end the comment sooner. In fact JDOM does not allow -- to occur as substring in a comment. You could simply break up those substings inside comments using

    private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("-{2,}"); 
    private static String fix(String string) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher(string);
        int lastEnd = 0;
        while (m.find()) {
            sb.append(string.subSequence(lastEnd, m.start())).append('-');
            lastEnd = m.end();
            for (int i = lastEnd - m.start(); i > 1; i--) {
                sb.append(" -");
        if (lastEnd < string.length()) {
            sb.append(string.subSequence(lastEnd, string.length()));
        return sb.toString();
    Comment comment = new Comment(fix(outputter.outputString(header)));

    Anything else would get compicated, since you'd need to take <![CDATA[]]> into account too.