I was deleting fields to the screen (Fields i do not want right now) but after deleting them the screen to create a new appointment stopped working.
THere is some field that have to be in that screen no matter what?
I the screen i modified was CommunicationDetailBox
sep. 13 2016 16:09:50.492 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 183
sep. 13 2016 16:09:50.565 4248 348 3 CoeWareBase,Time 16
sep. 13 2016 16:09:51.009 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 183 515
sep. 13 2016 16:09:51.353 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 1696
sep. 13 2016 16:09:51.358 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 1696 0
sep. 13 2016 16:09:52.910 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 362
sep. 13 2016 16:09:53.187 4248 348 3 CoeWareBase,Time 32
sep. 13 2016 16:09:53.264 4248 348 1 UserActionException,ErrMsg Access violation at address 1A687D6E in module 'eware.dll'. Write of address 00000019
sep. 13 2016 16:09:53.264 4248 348 1 : EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 1A687D6E in module 'eware.dll'. Write of address 00000019<br>
sep. 13 2016 16:09:53.309 4248 348 1 Creating stack-trace ID:4187146410. Error message is "Access violation at address 1A687D6E in module 'eware.dll'. Write of address 00000019"
sep. 13 2016 16:09:53.310 4248 348 1
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
|1A687D6E|eware.dll |WsCommunication.pas|TWebCommunication |GetEditInfoFromContent |1180[93] |
|1A687910|eware.dll |WsCommunication.pas|TWebCommunication |GetEditInfoFromContent |1087[0] |
|1A695A66|eware.dll |WsCommunication.pas|TWebNewCommunication |BuildScreen |3488[132]|
|1A695344|eware.dll |WsCommunication.pas|TWebNewCommunication |BuildScreen |3356[0] |
|1A697700|eware.dll |WsCommunication.pas|TWebNewCommunication |BuildContents |3887[176]|
|1A7F25BD|eware.dll |WebPage.pas |TWebPage |GetHtml |455[11] |
|1A2E846B|eware.dll |WebFrameSet.pas |TWebFrameSet |GetHtml |685[221] |
|1A2E79EC|eware.dll |WebFrameSet.pas |TWebFrameSet |GetHtml |464[0] |
|1A2E5D25|eware.dll |WebFrameSet.pas |TWebFrameSet |GetHtml |110[4] |
|1A8917D0|eware.dll |Dispatch.pas |TDispatcher |Action |3763[918]|
|1A88E8A4|eware.dll |Dispatch.pas |TDispatcher |Action |2845[0] |
|1A918F6F|eware.dll |ISAPIDispatch.pas |TISAPIEntry |ISAPIEntryAction |334[25] |
|1A8D59C3|eware.dll |HTTPApp.pas |TWebActionItem |GetMask |1244[19] |
|1A8D55F3|eware.dll |HTTPApp.pas |TWebActionItem |DispatchAction |1108[18] |
|1A8D5500|eware.dll |HTTPApp.pas |TWebActionItem |DispatchAction |1090[0] |
|1A8D623F|eware.dll |HTTPApp.pas |TCustomWebDispatcher |DispatchAction |1488[15] |
|1A8D61B8|eware.dll |HTTPApp.pas |TCustomWebDispatcher |DispatchAction |1473[0] |
|1A8D647E|eware.dll |HTTPApp.pas |TCustomWebDispatcher |HandleRequest |1543[3] |
|1A8D7E0D|eware.dll |HTTPApp.pas |TDefaultWebAppServices|InvokeDispatcher |2287[3] |
|1A8D7DD0|eware.dll |HTTPApp.pas |TDefaultWebAppServices|InvokeDispatcher |2284[0] |
|1A8D7DB0|eware.dll |HTTPApp.pas |TDefaultWebAppServices|HandleRequest |2268[1] |
|1A14EACD|eware.dll |WebReq.pas |TWebRequestHandler |HandleRequest |368[25] |
|1A14E99C|eware.dll |WebReq.pas |TWebRequestHandler |HandleRequest |343[0] |
|1A14F9F2|eware.dll |ISAPIApp.pas |TISAPIApplication |HttpExtensionProc |100[6] |
|1A14F998|eware.dll |ISAPIApp.pas |TISAPIApplication |HttpExtensionProc |94[0] |
|1A14FAF5|eware.dll |ISAPIApp.pas | |HttpExtensionProc |147[10] |
|7708039B|ntdll.dll | | |RtlReleaseSRWLockShared| |
|7707F4D0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection| |
|7707FD7D|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAllocateHeap | |
|76499B96|msvcrt.dll | | |malloc | |
|76948541|KERNEL32.DLL| | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
sep. 13 2016 16:09:53.310 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 362 405
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.136 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 106
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.147 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 106 16
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.177 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 1650
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.268 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Campaign Launch Failure Notice,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10148 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.281 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Campaign Over Budget,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10149 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.297 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Campaign Close To Budget,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10150 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.309 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Email Reminder,DontDoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 65 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.312 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Communication Reminder,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 117 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.333 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Mailchimp list upload message,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10153 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.339 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Daily Quota Remaining,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10169 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.376 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Quarterly Quota Remaining First Month,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10170 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.389 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Quarterly Quota Remaining Second Month,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10171 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.401 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Quarterly Quota Remaining Third Month,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10172 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.412 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Pipeline Update,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10173 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.443 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Unassigned Lead,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10164 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.505 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Backup Failure Notice,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10151 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.518 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Backup Completed Notice,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10152 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.529 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Unassigned Opportunity,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10165 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.581 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,High Value Opportunity Created,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10166 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.668 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,HighValue Opportunity Won,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10167 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.753 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Lost Opportunities,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10162 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.864 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Opportunity Close Date Approaching,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10163 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.923 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Quote Discount Exceeded,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10168 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:19.999 4248 348 5 RunEscalations,EWAREDLL,Quote Expiry,DoRule,select * from vWorkflowActions where WkRl_RuleId = 10123 AND Wkac_action = N'Notify'
sep. 13 2016 16:13:20.401 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 1650 1217
sep. 13 2016 16:13:22.658 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 1650
sep. 13 2016 16:13:23.032 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 1650 374
sep. 13 2016 16:13:31.564 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 808
sep. 13 2016 16:13:32.221 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 808 656
sep. 13 2016 16:13:32.584 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 1696
sep. 13 2016 16:13:32.590 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 1696 0
sep. 13 2016 16:13:34.292 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 810
sep. 13 2016 16:13:34.639 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 810 344
sep. 13 2016 16:14:29.599 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 183
sep. 13 2016 16:14:29.640 4248 348 3 CoeWareBase,Time 0
sep. 13 2016 16:14:29.895 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 183 296
sep. 13 2016 16:14:30.348 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 1696
sep. 13 2016 16:14:30.354 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 1696 0
sep. 13 2016 16:14:31.831 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 362
sep. 13 2016 16:14:31.896 4248 348 3 CoeWareBase,Time 16
sep. 13 2016 16:14:31.932 4248 348 1 UserActionException,ErrMsg Access violation at address 1A687D6E in module 'eware.dll'. Write of address 00000019
sep. 13 2016 16:14:31.932 4248 348 1 : EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 1A687D6E in module 'eware.dll'. Write of address 00000019<br>
sep. 13 2016 16:14:31.963 4248 348 1 Already logged ID: 4187146410
sep. 13 2016 16:14:31.964 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 362 124
sep. 13 2016 16:14:36.286 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 106
sep. 13 2016 16:14:36.306 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 106 31
sep. 13 2016 16:14:36.335 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 523
sep. 13 2016 16:14:36.692 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 523 359
sep. 13 2016 16:14:38.099 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 1650
sep. 13 2016 16:14:38.526 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 1650 421
sep. 13 2016 16:14:39.490 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 1651
sep. 13 2016 16:14:39.859 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 1651 375
sep. 13 2016 16:14:39.865 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 1586
sep. 13 2016 16:14:40.242 4248 348 4 EndUserAction,User,Action,Time 1 1586 374
sep. 13 2016 16:14:42.170 4248 348 4 StartUserAction,User,Action 1 1282
I just noticed that the Comm_Organizar HAVE to be in the screen CustomCommunicationDetailBox no matter what