I am using Kendo UI with Angular and Typescript. I know Kendo UI and Angular is a pain, but I have to do it like that...
The view works great, but when I want to access the array in the change-Event and reorder the array the variable doesn't exists. It seems that this is another scope. So in this demo the alert will pop up:
// Change Event
changed(e: kendo.ui.SortableEndEvent) {
// For Demo
if(this.data == undefined){
alert("Can not access Data Array");
// swap
var oldElement = this.data[e.oldIndex];
this.data[e.oldIndex] = this.data[e.newIndex];
this.data[e.newIndex] = oldElement;
data = [
{ value: "Val 1" },
{ value: "Val 2"},
{ value: "Value 3"},
{ value: "Value 4"}
Is there a workaround, so I can access the array?
I have a example here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/ozbRJA?editors=1010
As Philipp commented, the change event is in another context. With this.$angular_scope.ctrl.data
I can access the controller scope and the array. It's not very beautiful, but it works.