I am using Perl LWP::UserAgent
to get response from an API. Everything works good except one issue.
The API that i am using it returns response in JSON format. But I am getting it as string when i get the response through LWP module, Something like below.
$VAR1 = '
{"status":"success","data":[{"empid":"345232","customername":"Lee gates","dynamicid":"2342342332sd32423"},{"empid":"36.VLXP.013727..CBCL..","customername":"Lee subdirectories","dynamicid":"223f3423dsf23423423"}],"message":""}'
I did "print Dumper $response
" to get the output.
One more thing, The challenge is that my client do not want to go with Perl module for JSON (use JSON::Parse 'parse_json';
You need to decode the JSON string into a Perl data structure. If your version of perl is 5.14+, JSON::PP
is included in core, so nothing to install.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON::PP qw(decode_json);
my $json = '{"status":"success","data":[{"empid":"345232","customername":"Lee gates","dynamicid":"2342342332sd32423"},{"empid":"36.VLXP.013727..CBCL..","customername":"Lee subdirectories","dynamicid":"223f3423dsf23423423"}],"message":""}';
my $perl = decode_json $json;
print Dumper $perl;
$VAR1 = {
'status' => 'success',
'message' => '',
'data' => [
'dynamicid' => '2342342332sd32423',
'customername' => 'Lee gates',
'empid' => '345232'
'empid' => '36.VLXP.013727..CBCL..',
'customername' => 'Lee subdirectories',
'dynamicid' => '223f3423dsf23423423'