
YouTube Analytics request returns null

So I make a request to youtube analytics that has the following scopes:

    'scope'        => ''

Using my access token I try to get a list of channel subscribers from the last month, like this:

 $command = 'curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ' . $access_token  . '"';
        exec($command, $result);

Even though I succeed in getting the access token and saving the user's credentials, what I get from this request is this:

array(0) { }

Without any kind of error. Does anyone have any idea why this might happen. If you require more details just ask me. I am on the clock with this problem so I really need some help fast. Any help is welcomed. Thank you all for your time! This is what I get from making a request in APIs Explorer:

 "kind": "youtubeAnalytics#resultTable",
 "columnHeaders": [
   "name": "day",
   "columnType": "DIMENSION",
   "dataType": "STRING"
   "name": "views",
   "columnType": "METRIC",
   "dataType": "INTEGER"


  • I have found the solution to my problem. In my request end-date had a typo:


    The correct version looks like this:


    And the url I was calling had to have quotation marks. So my correct call looks like this:

     $command = 'curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ' . $access_token  . '" "' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-31 days')) . '&end-date=' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('today')). '&metrics=subscribersGained%2CsubscribersLost&dimensions=day&sort=day"';

    Thank you for your time!