
ModelAdmin with a has_many relationship

I'm extending ModelAdmin to manage a DataObject and I have a $has_many relationship that is managed by another DataObject. I'd like to manage this object on another tab but am lost as to how I'd add it. My basic code:


class Applications extends ModelAdmin {
    private static $menu_title = 'Applications';

    private static $url_segment = 'apps';

    private static $managed_models = array (


class Application extends DataObject {
    private static $db = array(
        'Name' => "varchar"

    private static $has_many = array(
        'Documents' => 'Document',

    public function getCMSFields() {
        $fields = FieldList::create(

        return $fields;


class Document extends DataObject {
    private static $db = array(
        'Title' => "varchar",

    private static $has_one = array(
        "Document" => "File",
        "Application" => "Application"

    public function getCMSFields () {
        $fields = FieldList::create(
            $doc = new UploadField('Document')
        $doc->getValidator()->setAllowedExtensions(array('pdf', 'docx'));

        return $fields;

Basically I'd like to manage the documents for this entry under Root.Documents tab.


  • You can use a GridField to handle the relation between Application and Document, and place that field on its own tab if you wish. Example:

    # Application.php
    public function getCMSFields() {
        $fields         = parent::getCMSFields();
        $nameField      = TextField::create('Name');
        $documentsField = GridField::create(
        return $fields;

    Your code contains a some typos in the Document class (the classname has .php in it, getValidator should be getValidator()), and that class also needs a $has_one = ['Application' => 'Application']; for the relation to work.