I'm struggeling handling null values in a UDF which operates on dataframe (which originates from a hive table) consisting of a struct of floats:
The dataframe (points
) has the following schema:
|-- point: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- x: float (nullable = true)
| |-- y: float (nullable = true)
For example, I want to calculate the sum of x and y. Note that I do not "handle" null values in the following examples, but I want to be able to check in my udf whether point
or y
are null
First approach:
val sum = udf((x:Float,y:Float) => x+y)
This does not work if the struct
point is null
, in this case the udf is never evaluated (the code in the udf is never executed!), the result is null. Also, I cannot check x
or y
for being null as Floats
cannot be null in scala.
Second approach:
val sum = udf((pt:Row) => pt.getFloat(0)+pt.getFloat(1))
Which this approach, I can check pt
for null in my udf, but I'm nut able to check x
and y
because Floats
cannot be null. I get a NullPointerException
in this case.
How can I write an udf win which I can check the struct and x and y for being null?
I'm using spark 1.6.1
Update: In contrast to this question, I'm dealing with floats and not with strings (strings can be null in scala, floats not)
You can use Row.isNullAt(i)
to check if i
th field is null. In your case, you should write your udf as,
sum = udf((point: Row) => point.match {
case p if (p.isNullAt(0) && p.isNullAt(0)) => 0f
case p if p.isNullAt(0) => p.getFloat(1)
case p if p.isNullAt(1) => p.getFloat(0)
case p => p.getFloat(0) + p.getFloat(1)