I am trying to store some leads in my Rails CRM Application. Here's the sample Lead model.
class Lead < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :campaign
validates_presence_of :name
Here's a sample migration that I'm using to store my leads in the database.
class CreateLeads < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :leads do |t|
t.string :name, null: false, default: ""
t.string :contacts, null: false, array: true, default: []
t.string :emails, null: false, array: true, default: []
t.string :budget, null: false, default: "Not Specified"
t.string :requirements, null: false, array: true, default: []
t.timestamps null: false
There are possibilities that my leads have multiple email addresses, contact numbers and requirements. Therefore, I decided to implement the forementioned colums as arrays.
I would like to ensure that none of a lead's email addresses or contacts are used to create a new lead's row in the database.
Should I implement this using the model or via the migration? Please direct me on how to implement this the rails way.
Arrays within tables? Relational databases are built to hold records in tables. Both humans and databases understand this. Unless there are cogent reasons for doing so, don't do it.
I haven't looked at the underlying implementation, but even if the implementation is the SAME, it's an approach I haven't seen out there in the world.
Use another table for lead email addresses. i.e. emails
. Add the following columns: id
, lead_id
and email
. and link via lead_id
foreign key. then when creating a new lead you will have to validate that lead by by checking that emails table whether that email address already exists.
You can add a DB constraint checking whether the email already exists, or you can validate via models, or perhaps a combination of both?
but googlers are coming here looking for a solution for how to add a unique constraint to an array column in Rails/AR. Would be nice if there was still a solution for that other than saying don't do this
I answered OP's very specific question - i.e. "is this a good idea? is it the rails way?". If Googlers want an answer to an entirely different question - they are more than welcome to continue googling, or to ask a new question on StackOverflow.