
How to extract the source code from a *.jar file on a Mac?

I'm very confused. I downloaded a *.jar file as a bit of software. So, I would like to extract the source code to look at it

I used the command jar xf filename.jar

which returned two more *.jar files and a *.class file. I still cannot open these in the terminal with standard text editors.

Perhaps this is not open source software? Is there an alternative to see what has been done here?


  • Run "java -jar fernflower.jar -dgs=true JarToDecompile.jar DecompiledJar"

    This is what IntelliJ & Android-Studio Decompiler does.


    Fernflower extracts the .java files to a .jar file.

    You can either Unzip the jar file as a regular zip file OR you can do jar xf DecompiledJar and it'll extract it.

    Example (all in one command -- multiple commands separated by &&):

    java -jar fernflower.jar -dgs=true JarToDecompile.jar DecompiledJar && cd DecompiledJar && jar xf DecompiledJar.jar && cd ../