Using cycle.js and xstream, I would like to count button clicks and reset them.
I was planning to achieve this by counting all button clicks after the last reset. To do this I thought of dropping all button clicks until the last reset, and counting what's left.
However I'm left with 2 buttons that are not working
Any advice?
function main(sources: ISources): ISinks {
const dom = sources.dom;
const resetClick$ ="#resetButton")
.map(ev => 0)
const button1Click$ ="#button1")
.map(ev => 1)
.fold((acc, n) => acc + n, 0)
const button2Click$ ="#button2")
.map(ev => 1)
.fold((acc, n) => acc + n, 0)
const vtree$ = Stream.combine(button1Click$, button2Click$)
.map(n =>
input("#button1", { attrs: { type: "button", value: "Click Me!"}}),
input("#button2", { attrs: { type: "button", value: "Click Me!"}}),
input("#resetButton", { attrs: { type: "button", value: "Reset!"}}),
p(["Clicks: " + n[0] + " + " + n[1]]),
p(["Click total: " + (n[0] + n[1])])
const sinks: ISinks = {
dom: vtree$
return sinks;
const resetClick$ ="#resetButton")
.map(ev => 0)
const button1Click$ ="#button2")
.map(ev => 1)
const button1WithReset$ = Stream.merge(button1Click, resetClick$)
.fold((acc, n) => {
if (n == 0) return 0
else return acc + n
}, 0)
This should do the trick. You can then do the same thing for button2Click
By merging button1click$
and resetClick$
we get a stream, that either emits 0
or 1
. And using fold, we can reset the counter everytime our merged stream emits 0