# Prints the string in a file
puts $chan stderr "$timestamp - Running test: $test"
# Prints the string on a console
puts "$timestamp - Running test: $test"
Is there a way I can send the output of puts to the screen and to a log file at the same time? Currently I have both the above two lines one after the other in my script to achieve this.
Or is there any other solution in tcl ?
Use the following proc instead of puts
proc multiputs {args} {
if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
error "Usage: multiputs ?channel ...? string"
} elseif { [llength $args] == 1 } {
set channels stdout
} else {
set channels [lrange $args 0 end-1]
set str [lindex $args end]
foreach ch $channels {
puts $ch $str
# print on stdout only
multiputs "1"
# print on stderr only
multiputs stderr "2"
set brieflog [open brief.log w]
set fulllog [open detailed.log w]
# print on stdout and in the log files
multiputs stdout $brieflog $fulllog "3"