I am working with DeepDiff. So I have results like:
local = [{1: {'age': 50, 'name': 'foo'}}, {2: {'age': 90, 'name': 'bar'}}, {3: {'age': 60, 'name': 'foobar'}}]
online = [{1: {'age': 50, 'name': 'foo'}}, {2: {'age': 40, 'name': 'bar'}}]
ddiff = DeepDiff(local, online)
added, updated = ddiff['iterable_item_added'], ddiff['values_changed']
added = {'root[2]': {3: {'age': 60, 'name': 'foobar'}}}
updated = {"root[1][2]['age']": {'new_value': 90, 'old_value': 40}}
Now, I want to take:
list_indexes_added = foo(added)
list_indexes_updated = foo(updated)
and to obtain:
list_indexes_added = [2]
list_index_updated = [(1,2,'age')]
in this way, I can manipulate the list local
and online
and in the future update the online
I am thinking in regexs, but maybe there is other option.
One solution can be regex and custom parsing of the matches.
Another can be using literal_eval
after regex parsing on these strings, if the output format of deepdiff
is consistent
from ast import literal_eval
import re
def str_diff_parse(str_diff):
return [tuple(literal_eval(y) for y in re.findall(r"\[('?\w+'?)\]", x)) for x in str_diff]
added = {'root[2]': {3: {'age': 60, 'name': 'foobar'}}}
updated = {"root[1][2]['age']": {'new_value': 90, 'old_value': 40}}
list_indexes_added = str_diff_parse(added)
list_indexes_updated = str_diff_parse(updated)
# prints
#[(1, 2, 'age')]
demo : http://ideone.com/3MhTky