Is there a simple line of code I can include at the top of my seed file to clear out each table before inserting new seed data without running any rake commands to rollback tables or databases?
I was thinking something like:
[Foo, Bar].each{|class| class.destroy_all}
The point is I want to add new data where each new insertion starts from id: 1. What I want to avoid is deleting a table with 100 rows and when I add new data it's starting from 101.
Updated Answer
You've to install (OR you can add gem 'database_cleaner'
to your Gemfile) a GEM called Database Cleaner which helps to clean your database without affecting your database schema._
To clean your database each time whenever you do rake db:seed
then paste
# updated
require 'database_cleaner'
on the top of your seed file. It'll clear your database and start count from 1
Disclaimer : This updated answer is tested, and working perfectly in my system.
Previous Untested Answer
Ya you can do that but it's depends on which database you're using.
Below I'm giving solution for some popular DBs.
deletes all rows and resets the auto increment counter.
In PostgreSQL, it does not do this automatically. You can use TRUNCATE TABLE table RESTART IDENTITY;
In SQLite, there is no TRUNCATE statement, instead, it's
DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name='table';
You can also try this
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |table|
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("TRUNCATE #{table}")
You can select any one of the solution & implement it to your seed file.
I hope this will help you... ;)
Disclaimer : I've share my knowledge for the purpose of your help, but this solution was didn't tested.