
Night mode for Google maps?

My question is simple. Is there a night mode for Google maps? So far I could only apply GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL | GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN | GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE but could not find Night Mode. I want something like this enter image description here

Please do not suggest me to use overlay, I already have tried. I cannot use it as I have to place markers on it.

Came across this post but it is 2 years old and I guess there should be some improvement.


  • Google just announced having launched custom map styling for Android and iOS together with a new styling wizard that allows you to design the style once, and apply it across the board on all supported platforms: Android, iOS, JavaScript API, and even Static Maps API.

    The Google Maps Android API developer docs even provide a working night mode style example. A code sample using custom styles is also available.