
Unicode mapping Error while opening INI files on MacOS

I'm trying to open an INI file on Mac OSX using TIniFile:

SettingsFile := TIniFile.Create(aINIFileName);   //Ini vertion
  iUpdateMaj := SettingsFile.ReadInteger('CurrentVersion', 'Maj', 0);
  iUpdateMin := SettingsFile.ReadInteger('CurrentVersion', 'Min', 0);
  iUpdateRel := SettingsFile.ReadInteger('CurrentVersion', 'Rel', 0);

The exact error I got is:

(EEncodingError) No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page.

This was working fine before in Yosemite, but since El Capitan it is no longer working.

From research I've done, the problem is related to Unicode endoding. I know that the INI file created with Notepad is encoded in UTF-8, and TIniFile use TStrings internally.

Does anyone have an idea how I can resolve this issue?


  • Your code looks perfectly fine if your .ini file is UTF-8 encoded and contains valid UTF-8 data. I don't know what is inside of your file, but it looks like your .ini file does not contain valid UTF-8 data.

    So you'd have to find what encoding your .ini file uses. If your .ini file is ANSI, then you can open it like this:

    SettingsFile := TIniFile.Create(aINIFileName, TEncoding.ANSI);