I was trying to write ANTLR code for below grammar. I am quite new to ANTLR . Can somebody pls help me. I looked around and could find only tutorials related to basic calculations like addition ,subtraction etc.
PRINT a+b should print a+b expression and PRINT "This is test" should print This is test . INTEGER a,b should be accepted . I can do for INTEGER a but not for more than one INTEGER at a time.
maybe you could use the following grammar as a starting point
grammar Simple;
Opname: [a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-ZA0-9]*;
Operation: '+' | '-';
Datatype: 'INTEGER';
String : '"' (~('"') | '\\\"')* '"' | '\'' (~('\'') | '\\\'')* '\'' ;
s: (print | sequence)* EOF;
print: 'PRINT' (expression | string);
string: String;
expression: Opname Operation Opname;
parlist: Opname (',' Opname)*;
sequence: Datatype parlist;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;
You could hook in a simple parse tree listener in order to collect the expressions or strings.
Regarding the integer range:
I would not do a validity check on the range in the grammar -- In the grammar, I would just ensure that the provided value is an int with something like Number: '-'? ([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+);
. Expressing the range as a regular expression that just accepts values that fall into that range inside the grammar is not a good idea. It is better to do this in the program that processes the values. Otherwise, you end up with something like this ;-):