I have encountered a situation where the Shell.Application object's Namespace method appears to fail dependent on the absence of a variable declaration in the calling sub.
A simplified test case is below:
Function TestShellApplicationNamespace(folder)
Dim oShell: Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim oDir: Set oDir = oShell.Namespace(folder)
Debug.Print TypeName(folder)
If oDir Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "oDir is Nothing"
Debug.Print "oDir is not Nothing"
End If
End Function
Which is called by:
Sub CallTestShellApplicationNamespace()
Dim folder As String
folder = "C:\"
TestShellApplicationNamespace folder
folder2 = "C:\"
TestShellApplicationNamespace folder2
End Sub
The results I get from running this are:
oDir is Nothing
oDir is not Nothing
I'm unsure whether this is a bug in the VBA interpreter, or something I'm doing wrong.
EDIT: After submitting this, also found the following which is of relevance (although not exactly the same)
Shell interface oddness, it wants the parameter passed by value so change the function prototype to:
Function TestShellApplicationNamespace(ByVal folder As Variant)
(Or call with extra parentheses)
TestShellApplicationNamespace (folder)
ret = TestShellApplicationNamespace((folder))
You should really configure the IDE to not run code with undeclared variables at all.