
JMETER Last HTTP Response access

There doesn't appear to be a way to access the latest HTTP Response? I've had to create a REGEXP extractor as a bean postprocessor to HTTP requests in order to store the LAST_RESPONSE then extract it from the vars as needs be?

I feel like I've missed something fundamental along the line wrt to the context/scope of the response...

I understand it's a load testing tool but I've found it to be fairly useful for automation jobs as well.

thanks, Mark.

enter image description here


  • According to the How to Extract Data From Files With JMeter you might want to add ^ character to represent line start so regular expression would look like:


    If you want to go the Beanshell PostProcessor you can achieve the same with the following code:

    vars.put("LAST_RESPONSE", new String(data));


    In both cases you will get ${LAST_RESPONSE} JMeter Variable which will be holding parent sampler response data.