I have long TCL script . I want measure exact cpu time the process is taking in TCL
I tried the time command in TCL but I am not sure it is correct way to measure cpu time taken by complete TCL script
Tcl itself doesn't provide this information. You want to use the TclX package's times
package require Tclx
set pre [times]
# do CPU intensive operation here; for example calculating the length of a number with many digits...
string length [expr {13**12345}]
set post [times]
# the current process's non-OS CPU time is the first element; it's in milliseconds
set cpuSecondsTaken [expr {([lindex $post 0] - [lindex $pre 0]) / 1000.0}]
# The other elements are: system-cpu-time, subprocess-user-cpu-time, subprocess-system-time
You are, of course, dependent on the OS measuring this information correctly. It's not portable to non-POSIX systems (e.g., Windows) though there might be something logically similar in the TWAPI package.