
iTunes Connect: Invalid binary

I am getting this error in iTunes Connect.

I have an app and I make some changes in that. So now I am uploading the updated version with the Organizer, but after upload, I am getting "invalid binary", but no more information. Looking into this forum I found many people face same issue but no solution works for me.

I validate the app before uploading and the validate process is OK.. any advice will be welcome, this is driving me crazy.

thanks in advance.

Titanium SDK 5.5.0 GA

macOS Sierra.


  • I finally solve this problem.

    In my app i use: Version: 1.0.6 Build: 1.0.6

    For some reason, now i cant do that, so i change the build version to: 106 and that makes the magic.

    i hope this can help to others..