I have these three tables:
The cardinality between the Customer and the Rent table is (1,6) and the cardinality between the Rent and the Book table is (1,infinity).
Using relational calculus's syntax, I would define a (0,1) cardinality like this:
∀x∀y∀z(rent(x,y)∧rent(x,z) → y =z)
But how can I define a (1,6) cardinality?
You could express it (in predicate calculus, as you have expressed your question) in this way:
∀ x (x ∈ Customers → ∃ y rent(x,y))
∀ x (x ∈ Customers → cardinality ({ y | rent(x,y)}) ≤ 6)
If you prefer, you can write the condition cardinality(set) ≤ n
with a complex logical expression of the form:
∀y1∀y2 ... ∀yn (rent(x,y1) ∧ rent(x,y2) ∧ ... ∧ rent(x,yn)
∧ y1 ≠ y2 ^ ... (all the possible pairs) ...
→ ∄ ys (rent(x,ys) ∧ ys ≠ y1 ^ ys ≠ y2 ^ ... ^ ys ≠ yn)
or in a more concise way (see the note of @philipxy):
∀y0∀y1 ... ∀yn (rent(x,y0) ∧ rent(x,y1) ∧ ... ∧ rent(x,yn) → y0 = y1 ∨ ...