I have been trying to work this out for two days now and am hitting a brick wall. I have a skyscanner array that has flight itineraries where I have the flight
Leg - being Itineraries -> OutboundLegId -
and also the legs which shows the flight number - being
Legs -> FlightNumbers -> FlightNumber.
What I am trying to achieve is to display the Itinerary and then join the Flight Number on to that. But no matter what I try I cannot get this to work. I have read all about Keys on here and tried loads of examples but am coming up with nothing. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Example arrays below
[Itineraries] => Array
[0] => Array
[OutboundLegId] => 13542-1610140610-29-0-13445-1610141240
[InboundLegId] => 13445-1610211340-29-0-13542-1610211640
[PricingOptions] => Array
[0] => Array
[Agents] => Array
[0] => 2174187
[QuoteAgeInMinutes] => 31
[Price] => 200.98
[DeeplinkUrl] => http://partners.api.skyscanner.net/apiservices/deeplink/v2?_cje=5JlLCgyPUKY0hT8T0Ybh6dL0Xf0htAiHTFX7RU79eeI3XvrsxvEqP1QUJAoHiHRd&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.apideeplink.com%2ftransport_deeplink%2f4.0%2fUK%2fen-gb%2fGBP%2fcook%2f2%2f13542.13445.2016-10-14%2c13445.13542.2016-10-21%2fair%2fairli%2fflights%3fitinerary%3dflight%7c-32294%7c1152%7c13542%7c2016-10-14T06%3a10%7c13445%7c2016-10-14T12%3a40%2cflight%7c-32294%7c1153%7c13445%7c2016-10-21T13%3a40%7c13542%7c2016-10-21T16%3a40%26carriers%3d-32294%26passengers%3d1%2c0%2c0%26channel%3ddataapi%26cabin_class%3deconomy%26facilitated%3dfalse%26ticket_price%3d200.98%26is_npt%3dfalse%26is_multipart%3dfalse%26client_id%3dskyscanner_b2b%26request_id%3d3bc96bda-fd7c-403a-b841-2ccc3c26071d%26commercial_filters%3dfalse%26q_datetime_utc%3d2016-09-29T08%3a18%3a27
[Legs] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 13542-1610140610-29-0-13445-1610141240
[SegmentIds] => Array
[0] => 1
[OriginStation] => 13542
[DestinationStation] => 13445
[Departure] => 2016-10-14T06:10:00
[Arrival] => 2016-10-14T12:40:00
[Duration] => 270
[JourneyMode] => Flight
[Stops] => Array
[Carriers] => Array
[0] => 105
[OperatingCarriers] => Array
[0] => 105
[Directionality] => Outbound
[FlightNumbers] => Array
[0] => Array
[FlightNumber] => 1152
[CarrierId] => 105
Assuming this is one big array and its called $data
you can nest a couple of foreach loops.
I use foreach loops as I assume there are cases where this data structure get more complex than the one you show
foreach ( $data['Itineraries'] as $itin ) {
foreach ( $data['Legs'] as $legs) {
if ($legs['Id'] == $itin['OutboundLegId']) {
// we matched the itinerary with a leg
echo $legs['OutboundLegId'] . ' ' . $legs['FlightNumbers'][0]['FlightNumber'];