
For mobile automation what are the advantages of Appium VS Calabash and of Calabash VS Appium?

I have used Appium in Mobile automation with IOS and Android. I wanted to know about advantages that offers Calabash and if there are common point in generated scripts of both tools?

I have followed this link : Appium VS Calabash


  • I have used calabash and appium both for automation. Appium has more advantages than calabash.

    Advantages of Appium over Calabash: 1. You can write your code in multiple language like Java,Python, C#, php etc. However, Calabash restrict to use RUBY only.

    1. Appium comes with many predefined methods such as OpenNotification(), StartActivity(), InstallApp etc. Calabash does not provide such predefined methods.

    2. Appium set up is very easy as compared to Calabash.

    3. In calabash, it installs the app on the device every time you run the test. However, In appium you have a feature where in you don't need to install the app every time. It works with previously installed app on the device.

    4. Appium works with both native and hybrid app.

    There are many advantages of appium. I hope this helps.