I'm trying to get results from a subquery created as a SQL statement in a tableadapter in Visual Studio. The project is linked to an oracle database. I was originally trying to use a "with" clause, which works fine in Oracle, but not so much as a SQL query in Visual Studio. When I used the "with" clause, the error said "unable to parse query". Without the "with" clause I got the first two queries (Query 1 and Query 2) to work fine together in the tableadapter, but when I add the Main Query, I get an error 'SELECT' not recognized. FYI: I also tried using a stored procedure that the dataset would connect to but would not work on the Visual Studio side, so for now, I'm hoping to accomplish this with a SQL statement, rather than the stored procedure. Any help is appreciated.
--- Query 1 ---
SELECT * from (select
Spon ss
,Segs s
,pro p
,spo sp
and ss.segid = s.segid
and ss.spoid = sp.spoid
and p.proid = sp.proid
and ss.startdate <= (par_date1)
and ss.enddate >= (par_date2)
) sss,
--- Query 2 ---
FROM picks p
(P.Pickdate is null or P.Pickdate between (par_date1) and ((par_date2)) )
) ppp
--- Query 3 (MAIN Query - Queries data pulled from Query 1 and Query 2) ---
,To_Char(sss.StartDate, 'DD-MON-YYYY') As StartDate
,To_Char(sss.EndDate, 'DD-MON-YYYY') As EndDate
,To_Char(ppp.PickDate, 'DD-MON-YYYY') As PickDate
,To_Char(Max(ppp.PickDate), 'DD-MON-YYYY') As LastPick
,Round(SUM(ppp.PickQty/(Count(distinct sss.spid)) ,2 ) As Avrg
,Count(sss.spid) As TtlPicks
,sum(ppp.PickQty) As Ttls
FROM sss, ppp
ppp.spid(+) = sss.spid
,To_Char(sss.StartDate, 'DD-MON-YYYY')
,To_Char(sss.EndDate, 'DD-MON-YYYY')
,To_Char(ppp.PickDate, 'DD-MON-YYYY')
Locate the FROM clause in the main (outer) query: FROM sss, ppp
Replace it with
FROM ( placeholder_1 ) sss,
( placeholder_2 ) ppp
where placeholder_1
should be replaced with the full text of Query #1 and placeholder_2
with the full text of Query #2.
You may want to consider using ANSI standard syntax for the outer query... and in GROUP BY you will save time if you group by trunc(sss.startdate)
and similar for the other dates; the effect is the same.
Good luck!