
How can I set the value of instance from another instance?

I have an instance on the page. However, I want the content of this instance to have some content which is part of another instance.

<xf:instance id="subInstance">
    <data xmlns="">
            <xsl:when test="$newType= 'false' ">
                <xsl:copy-of select="????"/>
                <!-- add a new type -->

What should be in place of the question marks so that I can get the type from another instance ?

Or should I use xf:setvalue to set the instance on xforms-model-construct-done event? But isn't this the construction of the model itself ? I'm confused how to use values from another instance.

Can we use xf:insert somehow ?

<xf:action ev:event="xforms-model-construct">
          <xf:insert nodeset="instance('subInstance')" origin="instance('defaultType')/type"/>

This is not working. Is the event correct ? Since instance creation is part of model construction, I thought of using 'xforms-model-construct'. But still no luck !!


  • yes. The xf:insert does work. The event 'xforms-model-construct' was not being dispatched and that is why I felt it wasn't working. When I changed the event to 'xforms-model-construct-done', it worked.

    <xf:action ev:event="xforms-model-construct">
        <xf:insert nodeset="instance('subInstance')" origin="instance('defaultType')/type"/>