I have some code in VC++ that create windows explorer shell integration and shows some remote database folders in windows explorer as native folders. When I use "move to folder..." from the explorer menu and move some file to that virtual folder, windows give me error message "The target can't handle this type of document", even though the shell integration successfully moves the file to the database.
I am not able to find out what is the cause of that error and how to disable the same from my code, what configuration is needed.
Does anyone has an idea about the same.
I finally figured it out, Drop was returning hr instead of S_OK. the hr value came from some other method call and was wrongly returned as something else instead of S_OK. It just in one of the if condition, the original developer has forgotten to set the hr value correctly. normally hr values are not used, it just for storing the result of a method call and returning the same at the end, so its very hard to figure what is wrong, because all methods are working properly. These silly mistakes are hard to find, though easy to fix. Thanks Denis for pointing where to look.