I'm using python-ldap to query Active Directory
I have this DN
CN=Whalen\, Sean,OU=Users,OU=Users and Groups,DC=example,DC=net
That works fine as a base in a query, but if I try to use it in a search filter like this
(&(objectClass=group)(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=Whalen\, Sean,OU=Users,OU=Users and Groups,DC=example,DC=net))
I get a Bad search filter
error. From my testing, the comma in the CN seems to be the culprit, even though I escaped it with a backslash (\
). But, comma isn't listed in the Microsoft documentation as a character that needs escaped in filters.
What am I missing?
The LDAP filter specification assigns special meaning to the following characters * ( ) \ NUL
that should be escaped with a backslash followed by the two character ASCII hexadecimal representation of the character when used in a search filter (rfc2254) :
* \2A
( \28
) \29
\ \5C
Nul \00
That means any backslash used for escaping a Distinguished Name' special character (including commas) must be represented by \5c
in a search filter :
(&(objectClass=group)(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=Whalen\5c, Sean,OU=Users,OU=Users and Groups,DC=example,DC=net))
Here is the list of dn special characters that must be escaped with \
, or whith \5C
when used in a search filter :
| comma | , |
| Backslash character | \ |
| Pound sign (hash sign) | # |
| Plus sign | + |
| Less than symbol | < |
| Greater than symbol | > |
| Semicolon | ; |
| Double quote (quotation mark) | " |
| Equal sign | = |
| Leading or trailing spaces | |