
In Swift, how do I add a setter to immutable GLKit vector structs?

In Swift GLKit vectors are immutable structs:

public struct _GLKVector2 {

    public var v: (Float, Float)

    public init(v: (Float, Float))

    public init()

extension GLKVector2 {

    public var x: Float { get }

    public var y: Float { get }

    public var s: Float { get }

    public var t: Float { get }

    public subscript(i: Int) -> Float { get }
public typealias GLKVector2 = _GLKVector2

I find this a bit restrictive and would like to extend GLKVector2 to include corresponding setters. How do I do this?


  • You could create a mutating func that replaces the whole self.

    extension GLKVector2 {
        mutating func setX(_ x: Float) {
            self = GLKVector2Make(x, y)

    You could create a property as well, but be careful you will need to write your own getter as well, and you can't return self.x there.

    var x: Float {
        get {
            return v.0
            // Note:
            //  1. you need to use a getter
            //  2. you cannot `return x`, otherwise it will be an infinite recursion
        set {
            self = GLKVector2Make(newValue, y)