I am trying to read the personal file of the Estonian ID card.
I need to send the following data to the card (from here) in order to read records from the personal file (ie ID Number, name, etc):
00 A4 00 0C # We choose root folder
00 A4 01 0C 02 EE EE # We choose folder EEEE
00 A4 02 04 02 50 44 # We choose file 5044, which contains personal data
00 B2 XX 04 # We read record XX (see table) from the personal data file
# The card responds 61 YY, where YY denotes the number of bytes waiting to be read
00 C0 00 00 YY # We read YY bytes from the card
# Card responds ... 90 00, where ... is the requested data and 90 00 means status OK
However, the raw bytes are in the T=0 protocol, and the card is stuck in T=1 for an unreasonably long time before accepting T=0. The sequence of events is as follows:
and starts handling cardSCardConnect
or SCardReconnect
is received over and over, for around 5sSCARD_E_PROTO_MISMATCH
is received for anywhere between 3 and 30 seconds, maybe more.Can I somehow connect to it quicker in the T=0 protocol?
A simplified version of my source code is as follows:
// NOTE: this is approximately what I do.
// I haven't tested this code yet - it's almost 1 AM here.
#include <winscard.h>
void readSmartCard() {
LONG sCardErrorCode;
DWORD sCardReaderStrLen = 1024;
wchar_t sCardReaderStr[1024];
DWORD sCardActiveProtocol;
sCardErrorCode = SCardEstablishContext(SCARD_SCOPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL, &sCardContext);
// error handling macro
ZeroMemory(&sCardReaderState, sizeof(sCardReaderState));
sCardReaderState.szReader = L"\\\\?PnP?\\Notification";
sCardReaderState.pvUserData = nullptr;
sCardReaderState.dwEventState = SCARD_STATE_PRESENT;
sCardErrorCode = SCardGetStatusChange(sCardContext, INFINITE, &readerState, 1);
// e.h.m
if (readerState.dwCurrentState == 65538) {
sCardErrorCode = SCardListReaders(sCardContext, NULL, sCardReaderStr, &sCardReaderStrLen);
// e.h.m
readerState.szReader = sCardReaderStr;
sCardErrorCode = SCardGetStatusChange(sCardContext, INFINITE, &readerState, 1);
// e.h.m
if (sCardReaderState.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT) {
while (true) {
sCardErrorCode = SCardConnect(sCardContext, readerState.szReader, SCARD_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE,
SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0, &sCardHandle, &sCardActiveProtocol);
// e.h.m
printf("%x", sCardErrorCode);
// this will print:
// 8010000b (for around 5s)
// 8010000f (for around 20s)
if (sCardErrorCode == SCARD_S_SUCCESS) {
// open personal file and read data, yay!
After a long scouring of the internet, I discovered that no changes to the commands were necessary.
I simply needed to add an extra zero byte to the end of transmitted read/open commands, and receive the data as the response of the read command, not use a separate command to receive the bytes as well. (T=0 uses a "request data/read data" model, while T=1 just responds with the data, it seems)
I also needed to change all mentions of SCARD_PCI_T0
to conditionally use SCARD_PCI_T1
and make the SCardConnect()
function accept T1 too.
I will post a decent code sample here later.